Communication materials

Discover and download the materials used in Nysse's communication.

Communication materials

Main and key messages

The main messages of Nysse

  • Nysse is with you all the way.
  • Nysse is also with you on mobile, online and on your phone. Nysse services are easy to reach and use.
  • Nysse services move people in the Tampere region smoothly, safely and cost-effectively.
  • Nysse is on the move with the people of the region towards a changing city and the mobility of the future.

Key messages of Nysse

  • Nysse helps you in your daily life and makes your daily travel easier. We develop safe mobility services that are suitable for everyone, taking into account the current and future needs of the people in the region.
  • Nysse belongs to all of us. To ensure equality, Nysse ticket prices fit everyone's budget and we take special groups into account in our pricing and service design.
  • When we travel together, we take into account the other people travelling with us. Nysse is accessible to all.
  • Nysse is the choice of the environmentally conscious. When you travel with Nysse, you choose a low-emission way of travelling and take care of the clean air in the Tampere region.
  • Nysse connects people. Nysse creates a more cohesive Tampere region. Nysse is part of the everyday life of people in the region.

Use of the name Nysse

Nysse is always written in capital letters. Where necessary, the system and the means of transport are distinguished in the communication for the sake of clarity:

'Nysse (the system) operates according to a special timetable during the Christmas period. Please check the Christmas timetables for buses and trams."
"Summer is coming! Nysse will also be with you in the summer. Check the summer timetables at"
"Nysse informs you that the EU summit in Tampere next month will bring changes, especially for bus timetables. Read more."

Social media photo templates

Social media photo templates are designed for easy sharing of social media content in a Nysse-like way. Download the photo templates for Facebook and Instagram here.

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PowerPoint template

Download the Nysse PowerPoint template for your use.

Download the PowerPoint template


Nysse's photographs are intended for use by partners and the media in digital and printed materials. If you have any questions or need more photos, please contact us by e-mail.

Download all photos.

Ratikka, bussi ja matkustajia Kaupin kampuksella

Ratikka ja bussi Hämeenkadulla​​​​​​​​​​​​​​





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