Logo and visual identity

See and download the Nysse logo and discover the visual identity elements.

Nysse logo and visual identity

Protected area

To ensure the distinctiveness of the logo in all situations, a protective area must be left around the logo. The width and height of the protected area are determined by the height of the letter N in the Nysse logo in relation to the size of the logo.

No text, photographs or other elements may be placed within the protected area. The protected area must also be taken into account if the logo is placed close to the edge of the base.

Suoja-alueen leveyden ja korkeuden määrittelee Nysse-tunnuksen N-kirjaimen korkeus suhteessa tunnuksen kokoon.


The colour palette of Nysse's visual identity consists of primary colours and complementary colours. In addition to blue, light shades should always be used on the basic surfaces of Nysse's visual identity.

These colour values follow commonly used standardised colour profiles. For printed products, Pantone® shades are used as the primary reference. In general, CMYK process colours may also be used for printing on paper if the use of PMS colours is not possible. RGB and HEX values are used in digital publications.





Along with the logo and colour palette, typography, as defined by Nysse, is an important basic element of communication, the consistent use of which creates a recognisable look for the written message. The indecisive Lota Grotesque typeface is used as part of Nysse's visual identity in marketing materials, signage and digital publications. Lota Grotesque supports Nysse's communication regardless of the application.

Lota Grotesque tukee Nyssen viestintää sovelluksesta riippumatta.


Pictograms are used to clarify a message or show context. An icon and a background frame make up a pictogram, which can also be used without a frame or background, for example as part of a larger background. Pictograms may not be strengthened or thinned and are always white or Nysse blue in colour. Pictograms should be used with discretion. The pictograms in the image are examples from the Nysse pictogram library. 

Kuvan piktogrammit ovat esimerkkejä Nyssen piktogrammikirjastosta.

Load Nysse pictograms

Graphical elements

The Nysse graphic element is the wave angle, which is derived from the Tammerkoski shape found in the Nysse logo. The wave angle is always at an angle of 45 degrees and the wave should be represented by three wave crests. The wave angle can be located in the upper left or lower left corner of the data.

In the default situation, the shorter side of the data is divided into six equal parts, of which the angle covers five-sixths. An exception to the layout is where the longer side of the base surface is more than twice the length of the shorter side. In this case, the longer side is divided into six equal parts, of which the shape of the wave completely covers the first sixth of the base surface.


Service identification and colours

Nysse's different mobility services have their own colours, which are used to communicate the service.


Nysse has her own mascot, Onni the Bear, who appears in materials aimed at children, such as the pre-school video.

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