We transport free of charge the usual luggage, aids to facilitate movement and small means of transport that can be carried along and do not take up space for other passengers. Free luggage includes e.g.

  • bags, sports equipment and suitcases
  • a bicycle or kickboard for a child under 7 years old
  • a folded bicycle or kickboard
  • a skateboard, a small kickboard and a small balance board

Keep your luggage on your lap or on the floor, because the seats are for passengers. It's a good idea to take the backpack off your back so that it doesn't interfere with the traveling comfort of other passengers.

Pack sports equipment (e.g. skis or skating equipment) carefully. Oversized luggage can be transported if there is room on board for them and is carried on board by hand. Remember to buy a single ticket for your oversized luggage and confirm its validity every time.

Prepare for rush hours

Be prepared that the space for aids and other means of transport is limited. Boarding takes place in order of arrival, various customer groups have not been prioritized.

  • Place your luggage so that it does not disturb other passengers or block the aisles or doors of the bus or tram.
  • Make sure that your pram, aid or bike does not fall over or move during the trip.

The busiest transit hours are on weekdays at 7-9 a.m. and 14-18 p.m. If necessary, look for an alternative connection from the Journey Planner.

Journey Planner

Paid luggage

A single ticket must be purchased for a large means of transport, such as a bicycle, on buses and trams. In addition to the ticket, a night fare is charged between 00:00 and 04:40. Always pay for your own journey first and then buy a ticket for your means of transport. Please note that with contactless payment you can only pay for one ticket at a time.

In practice, paid luggage is a bicycle, electric scooter, handlebar-mounted electric balance board or a similar mean of transportation for those over 7 years of age, which cannot be carried in by hand and take up a significant amount of space from other passengers. There is also a charge for a folding bike if it has not been carried in and folded up during the trip.

If you are travelling by train, please follow VR's instructions.

Passenger is waiting for a bus with a bike helmet on his hand.

Enjoy your meal before the trip or only after

Eating during the journey is not recommended. Drinks, such as coffee or other non-alcoholic refreshments, can be enjoyed from closable cups or bottles.

The use of intoxicants and tobacco products during the journey and at the bus stops and tram stations is prohibited.

Prohibited luggage

Flammable liquids, explosives and other dangerous substances, such as gas cylinders, may not be transported on public transport.

Boarding with roller skates is prohibited on both the bus and tram for safety reasons. Also, due to the size of the device or for safety reasons, it is not allowed to board

  • cargo bikes, recumbent bikes or tricycles
  • scooters (with wheels or sliding feet) or rollator-like scooters
  • electric mopeds or scooters.

Large objects, such as furniture and appliances, can be a safety hazard, such as in the event of sudden braking. Therefore, they may not be transported.

You can travel with prams and strollers free of charge. The child must travel in the pram or stroller the entire trip for safety reasons.

Empty prams or strollers do not entitle you to a free trip.

Instructions for those traveling with prams

Traveling with a wheelchair and rollator is free of charge. The journey of an escort for a passenger using a wheelchair is also free of charge.

A folded rollator does not entitle you to free travelling.

Instructions for people with reduced mobility

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Nysse customer service