The schedule for bus 81 will change on Monday
Tuesday 11. February 2025 klo 09.05
The schedule for Ylöjärvi bus 81 will change on Monday, February 17, 2025. The schedules have been improved to make transfers smoother in Hiedanranta.
All departures from Ylöjärvi Asuntila will leave a few minutes earlier. Afternoon departures from Hiedanranta will leave a few minutes later. These changes ensure that passengers can transfer between the bus and tram without long waiting times.
How to find the schedules in advance on the Nysse Journey Planner:
- Search for your trip on your desired date.
- Check the schedules for your stop on your desired date.
- Select the upcoming time from the line’s schedule.
Please note that changes will only appear in the Nysse timetables once they come into effect. You can print the schedule for line 81 from the Nysse website.