Atala - Linnainmaa - Kaupin kampus

Atala - Linnainmaa - Niihama - Ruotula - Kaupin kampus

Streets on the route: Nikinväylä – Orimuskatu - Mäentakusenkatu - Piettasenkatu - Mäentakusenkatu - Heikkilänkatu - Teiskontie - Lääkärintie

Nysse Timetables ›

Nysse Journey Planner ›


Tram 1 Kaupin kampus - Sorin aukio

Bus line 18 will change to an special route 18R when there is a tram disruption between Kaupin kampus and Sorin aukio. More information about the line 18R ›

The route of line 18 will change on June 3, 2024. The new route runs from Atala directly along Nikinväylä towards Linnainmaa. More information about the changes of summer season 2024.