Valkeakoski - Ideapark - Tampere

Valkeakosken linja-autoasema - Mallasvedenkatu - Sääksmäentie - Ulvajankatu - Tallikatu - Lempääläntie - Tampereentie - Helsingintie - Marjamäenkatu - Ideaparkinkatu - Helsingintie - Valtatie 3 - Sääksjärven liittymä - Valtatie 3 - Lempääläntie - Viinikka - Ratina (Linja-autoasema)

Timetable for line 60

Nysse Journey Planner

On lines 60-69, you can pay for the trip with Nysse tickets, but only in Nysse zones. The bus service is planned and organized by the City of Valkeakoski and the Pirkanmaan Ely-keskus (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment).

On bus lines 60 and 63, only high-floor buses are in use, which are not accessible. The buses have storage space for luggage, such as strollers.

Lines 68 and 69 are so-called U-traffic, of which the service is planned and organized by an external operator. Line 60U Valkeakoski - Tampere is planned and operated by Valkeakosken Liikenne Oy.

Aikataulu, ikoniPrintable timetable (pdf)