Suitable connections are not always found near home, and parking in Tampere city center can feel challenging. Drive your own car to a park-and-ride facility and continue your journey comfortably by public transport.

Park-and-ride areas are located near stops with services to Tampere city center. Parking for the duration of a workday is free of charge.

Leave your car in the access parking and continue your journey by public transport.

Find the most suitable Park and Ride using the Nysse Journey Planner

Do a travel search as follows:

  1. Enter the starting point and destination of your journey. Journey Planner will suggest different trips for you.
  2. Open the search settings and select Car and Park and Ride from the My modes of transport section.
  3. Return to the travel suggestions, which will now include park and ride options.

You can see all park and ride locations in the Nysse area in the Journey Planner's map settings. On small screens, the map will appear only after you have done the travel search. By typing 'liityntä' in the search field, you can choose a location from the route planner's suggestions.

Nysse Journey Planner

How to pay?

Purchase a single ticket for your bus, tram or train journey using contactless payment, the Nysse Mobile app, or a travel card. Choose at least 2 adjacent zones for your journey. Tampere city center is located in zone A.

More information about paying for your journey

Explore the Park and ride locations in the Nysse area





  • Space for 24 cars
  • Open from 05.00 a.m. to midnight
  • Location: Ristimäenkatu
  • Near stops to the center of Tampere: Tesoma A, Tesoma E
  • train to the center of Tampere and Nokia


Tarpila, Kangasala

Tupatie, Kangasala

Sääksjärvi, Lempäälä

Nokian asema, Nokia