Park and ride
Sometimes it is just easier to take your own car, especially when there are no suitable connections with public transport.
There are special and totally free parking areas designed for public transport users located close to public transport stops and stations. You can leave your car or bike at a Park & Ride and continue by public transport.
Check out the parking places for public transport users
- Space for 96 cars
- Location: Hyllilänkatu and Kangasalantie crossroads
- Nearest stop to Tampere city: Kristilla 4053
- Space for 34 car
- Open from Monday to Friday 05 am to 6 pm
- Location: Prisma Koivistonkylä
- Nearest stop to Tampere City: Ekankulma
- Space for 70 cars
- digital display for timetables
- Location: Niihamankatu 6
- Nearest stops to Tampere cit: Niihamankatu P 5119
- Space for 24 cars
- Open from 05.00 a.m. to midnight
- Location: Ristimäenkatu
- Near stops to the center of Tampere: Tesoma A, Tesoma E
- train to the center of Tampere and Nokia
- Space for 36 cars
- Location Turtola shopping centre
- Nearest stops to Tampere City: Turtola 3563 ja Laulunmaa 3951
Tarpila, Kangasala
- Space for 16 cars
- Location: Tarpilantie
- Nearest stop to Tampere city: Rekiälä 8029
Tupatie, Kangasala
- Space for 22 cars
- Location: Tupatie 10
- Nearest stop to Tampere city: Suoraman työväentalo 8013
Sääksjärvi, Lempäälä
- Space for 60 cars
- Location: Sääksjärventie
- Nearest stops: Karhumäki 7509, Sääksjärvi th 7807
Nokian asema, Nokia
- Space for 160 cars, decked space for bicycles
- Location: Nokia station
- Nearest stops: Nokian asema A 8522, Nokian asema B 8526